There was a utopian time in the world of IT where everyone, everywhere needed a new PC and all companies were desperate for servers. 99% of the new PC's ran Windows, and 110% of the companies chose Windows Servers for their infrastructure. Whether a company sold flowers, or built skyscrapers they essentially needed the exact same computer equipment. This was the age when the MCSE and CCNA ruled the day, and that day is now dead... In the modern world there are thousands of different computer systems that run uncountable automated tasks that are dedicated for specific industries. Not only are there PC's and Servers to deal with, but there are systems to control TV distribution in hotels, control digital signage, used in inventory control, and automated work tracking. Most techs not only do not need to learn these specific systems, but generally don't even know that they exist. Simply having an MCSE doesn't mean you're qualified to work on infrastructure that uses systems that no one ever got around to creating a certification for. By focusing on a particular Industry Vertical for your tech career you can make yourself valuable and indispensable in a way that no piece of paper will ever do for you.